Perfect clarity.
Where only a few weeks ago the Left was unable to define the word, they now seem to have achieved perfect clarity as to what a woman is.
Where only a few weeks ago the Left was unable to define the word, they now seem to have achieved perfect clarity as to what a woman is.
The Left finds it inconvenient that we live in a constitutional republic comprised of 50 sovereign states.
Trump did, Tuesday night, what presidents are hired to do – call the country to be its best.
We have come to know what abortion doctors have long known — abortion is a gruesome business, the grisliness of which increases with each week of pregnancy.
In a generation, abortion has gone from something discussed in whispers to something discussed for monetary gain over a routine business lunch.
What emerges from Wendy Davis’s story and its discrepancies is that she embellished or outright fabricated parts of her story to make it more appealing to her base.
State Senator Wendy Davis (D-Ft. Worth) succeeded in her effort to kill a measure that would have made it illegal in Texas to terminate a pregnancy after 20 weeks.
As a result of the arrogance of an administration that believes that there is no aspect of American life into which it does not have the unlimited right to intrude, we are all Catholics now.