Tagged: welfare

The road to insolvency is paved with good intentions.

One of the biggest drivers of America’s massive spending and debt problem is our inability to weigh the good intentions of programs that spend billions of dollars against the actual results that those programs produce.

Cuban on taxes. Wrong, wrong, wrong!

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban caused a stir earlier this week on his blog. He opined that paying taxes is, “the most patriotic thing you can do.”

Reality acceptance.

The human capacity for self-delusion is the only thing that explains why the left continues to cling to a tired and discredited belief system.

Insisting on independence.

The parental decision concerning kicking newly graduated college kids out of the house is a microcosm of our societal decision about dependency. Pushing a kid out in the world to make it on his or her own is almost always the best thing you can do for the kid.

Taking candy away.

Even a sweeping Republican victory on Tuesday will not be enough to address the problems America now faces.