Tagged: department of justice

Let’s be sure to thank Hunter.

The DOJ is now exposed. It must decide which is more important, protecting top Democrats or attempting the salvage of their increasingly damaged reputation.

The pathology of forfeited trust.

If Donald Trump stands credibly accused of criminally mishandling classified material, then so, too, does Hillary Clinton. Either you prosecute them both or you prosecute neither.

What 9/11 wrought.

Armed with the fearsome powers of surveillance that the bureau acquired following 9/11, the FBI has nearly unlimited power to protect those whom it favors while destroying those that it does not.

The train of abuses.

It’s clear that in 2023 we’re no longer created equal. A small number of the wealthy and well connected in the ruling class enjoy privileges and immunities that are unavailable to you and me — the very thing for which the Founding Fathers and American colonists were willing to take up arms against the mighty British army.

It’s not justice at all.

If your last name is Biden or Clinton, you enjoy the exclusive benefits of the Department of Justice’s Concierge Justice System.

The big question that won’t go away.

If Trump knew they were coming for him, what was he doing having sensitive documents in his possession? Why hand your opposition a club with which they can beat you to death?

Has it already started?

A small handful of very powerful people in very powerful corners of our government now believe that their judgement as to who should win elections supersedes yours and mine – and they have the capability of acting on that belief.

Prosecution or persecution?

Because of the way the DOJ has behaved, it is reasonable to suspect that rather than seeking justice, they simply want to disqualify Trump for office and are willing to go to any length to do so.

This had better be good.

Given that all prior allegations of wrongdoing by Donald Trump have come to naught, what the FBI has carried out of Donald Trump’s home had better be, yuuuuge.