Tagged: Immigration

Is there a plan?

Can anyone explain the wisdom of every year allowing a million or so poor, low-skilled, social services-consuming strangers into a country that is $22 trillion in debt and whose cities are already coping with a burgeoning homeless problem?

The media’s epic fail on immigration.

With respect to illegal immigrants and their children, only one thing has changed since the Obama administration. That one thing is that the Trump administration is enforcing the law.

The bull does his business.

Presidents like FDR, LBJ, JFK, Eisenhower, Truman, Nixon – go down the list – are all well-known for having turned the air blue in meetings at the White House.

A better burger made a better America.

In 1951, a short, round, jolly Greek immigrant named Jack Koustoubardis began cooking hamburgers in a tiny little spot on Hillcrest Avenue in Dallas just down the hill from SMU. The place is still there and it’s called the Burger House. Everybody knew Jack. (His real name was actually Prometheus. Jack is the name he chose to authenticate his new status as an American.) The Burger House opened at 11 in the morning, closed at...

Es tiempo aprender inglés. (It’s time to learn English.)

Recently I was driving on south Broadway in front of Hogg Middle School in Tyler when I saw a series of yard signs on the campus announcing that progress reports were being issued. The signs appeared in the parkway in front of the school in a row, alternating between signs in English and signs in Spanish. Honest to goodness, if you’re in middle school in Tyler, Texas and you need a sign in Spanish to...