Tagged: Liberalism

Seattle city council votes for decline.

The very liberal Seattle city council has done what Democrats who run successful cities do. They voted nine to nothing to impose a tax on businesses of $275 per employee per year.

The delusions of the Left.

The Left is spewing incomplete, taken-out-of-context or just flat fraudulent statistics in an effort to tell us how great things are going under the most far-left presidency in our history.

I do not hate Democrats.

My disagreements with Democrats are not personal. My problem with Democrats is that I so vigorously disagree with so much of what they believe.

On FOX 51: The usual liberal twaddle.

The average salary for the chief officer of an American corporation is a bit less than $200,000 per year. Which is a third less than what Mrs. Clinton gets for an hour delivering a platitude-laced speech about income inequality.

We may wind up being glad Obamacare passed.

Whatever else happens with Obamacare, one thing is fairly certain. The next proposed big-government solution to a real or perceived big societal problem is likely to be met with considerable skepticism.

From pain can come redemption.

For the first time in a lifetime, a liberal president will bear clear and undeniable responsibility for the results of his own liberal policies.

Are you your neighbor’s (yard) keeper?

Conservatives believe in the sanctity of individual property rights. Liberals believe that those who are well off should be compelled to forfeit wealth for the greater good.