Golfing over governing.

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Listen to the broadcast of You Tell Me on KTBB AM 600, Friday, April 12, 2013.

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More than two months late, the president has at last complied with the law and submitted a budget. It is, as we have come to expect, an ideological document that is untethered entirely from actual governing.

The submission comes on the heels of the sequester and the president’s Chicken Little road show last month during which he predicted unbearable hardship and severe economic stress arising from a forced two percentage point reduction in the rate of growth of federal spending (not actual reduction in spending, mind you, just a reduction in the rate at which federal spending grows).

With the country now close to $17 trillion in debt and with annual federal deficits of a trillion dollars now the norm for as far out into the future as the eye can see the president’s lack of leadership on the nation’s fiscal situation is beyond appalling.

The massive federal debt incurred during World War II was financed by America’s own citizens purchasing savings bonds that paid a respectable rate of interest and acted as a savings program for millions of families. Today’s debt is being financed with bonds that pay essentially nothing and that are funded with money conjured out of thin air by the Federal Reserve.

That the president is derelict in his duty with respect to his stewardship of the country’s financial health is beyond question. No president in our history has run up debt with such reckless disregard. No corporate CEO could hope to keep his job with such a record. The failure of the president’s financial stewardship is beyond debate.

What is debatable, however is, ‘why?’

Why does the president behave with such utter disregard for what any reasonable person would recognize as a severe threat to our long-term strength and perhaps to our very sovereignty?

I keep trying to puzzle it out and only two possibilities come to mind. Either he doesn’t understand or he doesn’t care.

Lacking any way to know for certain, my money is on the latter. I just don’t think he cares.

I don’t think Barack Obama cares what kind of shape he leaves the country in at the end of his term so long as he gets to indulge his ideology and live well in the process.

That he is living well is also beyond question.

I offer one recent episode as  illustration.

Last week, the president put on a show of solidarity with federal workers who have been furloughed as a result of sequester budget cuts. He announced that he is returning five percent of his presidential salary to the Treasury. For those of you who might have said, ‘Aw, isnt’ that nice,’ let’s put this insulting gesture in perspective.

The president made this announcement soon after having flown to Florida for a President’s Day weekend vacation that included golf with Tiger Woods.

The president is paid a salary of $400,000 a year. Five percent is $20,000.

It costs about $186,000 per hour to operate Air Force One. The round trip from Washington to Florida is about six hours give or take. The president’s salary reduction, therefore, paid for about six and a half minutes – less than two percent – of the cost of one presidential golf outing.

The president’s family has, in just the past month, been in the tropics enjoying the sun and in the mountains enjoying the slopes. That some of the costs of these first family vacations are born by the Obama family personally does not mitigate the fact that we beleaguered taxpayers are having to pay millions per trip for government transportation and security.

While the country’s financial health continues to deteriorate, the Obamas have set up what amounts to “Versailles on the Potomac” where they live a Sybaritic life with utter disregard for what is happening outside the palace and how it is affecting those of us that must pay for it.

All while the president steadfastly refuses to govern.

Which brings me to the second thing that I’m having trouble puzzling out.

Why do we continue to let this go on?

Paul Gleiser

Paul L. Gleiser is president of ATW Media, LLC, licensee of radio stations KTBB 97.5 FM/AM600, 92.1 The TEAM FM in Tyler-Longview, Texas.

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2 Responses

  1. L Miles says:

    Your statement is provocative: “Either he doesn’t understand or he doesn’t care. Lacking any way to know for certain, my money is on the latter. I just don’t think he cares.”

    I have known people just like this sorry excuse for a President. They were taught absolutely NO responsibility or accountability from their youth. They gravitated to dogma that completely dismissed all previous wisdom and cultural norms of our society and believed in their own superiority to reinvent the universe of mankind. Until the current universe is destroyed, they have absolutely no desire to improve such a flawed and despicable culture. So they PARTY in the meantime and let the ants devour the carcass (let the flaws in the society destroy itself). Then and only then, will the SAVIORS step forward to recreate a PROPER society with all the elements of “fairness” institutionalized in their own image.

    I think it is obvious that Obama despises our American heritage and way of life: reverence for individual Liberty instead of a government managed “collective” society. He is a Marxist at heart and is steeped in that dogma. He is trying to accelerate the “inevitable acceptance” of his beliefs as our society crumbles and becomes desperate for a “new start – the Obama transformation”. He has no desire to govern. He is in a perpetual campaign mode to replace our society with one that is worthy of his governance. Of course, this is his excuse (in his own mind) not to govern what exists, even if he could.

    He is still the Chicago street “community organizer”, but on a massive scale: the whole country. The fact that he has never managed ANYTHING successfully in his life (never participated in the free enterprise system in this country to learn how the life of commerce actually works) leaves him totally inept, naive, ignorant, and empty (without social redeeming value). Put simply, he can’t do ANYTHING but act in a dictatorial manner every chance he gets as he fulfills his need for validation. Debate on the merits of the issues at hand, is out of the question.

    Frankly, he is succeeding beyond anything that I thought was possible. He can waste 6 trillion dollars in new debt in four years with nothing to show for it other than to buy votes and accelerate his government takeover of private enterprise, all without any accountability or effective criticism from the opposition that works. There are just too many powerful people that don’t really believe in representative and limited government.

  2. Dave Wickham says:

    Paul, There is another possibility; That all this is a calculated program to “justly” reduce the USA to just another 3rd rate country, because it isn’t “fair” for us to be so prosperous and strong. According to those radicals we are living off the deserved prosperity of the 2nd and 3rd world. Never mind that as we prospered the rest of the world came straggling along and gaining ground as well.

    Also never forget how much actual money we have given the world through numerous aid programs and the Marshall Plan, etc.

    I have not read Alinsky but I know enough about the liberal socialist communist positions to believe this is the case. The difference in those positions is only in the means to achieve the ends, not the ends; Control of the people.

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