Thank you, Joe.

President Joe Biden meets with President-elect Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House, Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
This time four years ago I, and most of you who follow this column, were none too happy. We were coming to grips with the realization that Joe Biden had likely just eked out a squeaker of a victory against President Donald Trump in an election that was clouded by COVID-induced voting irregularities.
Though he ran as a “moderate,” I and many like me were convinced – and as it turns out rightly so – that Joe Biden would implement a far-left agenda.
Oh, boy.
But what we couldn’t imagine at the time, given that the smoke hadn’t started clearing, was that Biden’s election might eventually come to be seen as a blessing.
So it was in the days after the election. But by March 25, 2021, just eight and a half weeks after Biden took the oath of office, I, among others, was singing a slightly different tune. Here’s a portion of that week’s column that bore the headline, “The Biden Presidency Will Be Costly – To Democrats.”
All of the perfectly legitimate criticisms of Trump notwithstanding, on his watch wages rose, unemployment fell, order was restored on the border and prosperity flourished. For many traditional Democratic voters – notably blacks and Hispanics – it was their first-ever taste of prosperity.
None of that will be soon forgotten – particularly as Biden policies of higher taxes, open borders and increased regulation take hold and provide a jarring comparison.
Which means that whatever Democrats attain during a Biden presidency in the near term, they will pay for dearly over time.”
That bill came due last week. Thanks to Biden’s victory in 2020, and the administration that ensued, millions of American voters got to see and experience what far-left governance looks and feels like. And they sent a message last week that they aren’t having it.
Nobody sane wants a country with a wide-open border over which a flood of poor, uneducated, social services consuming third world immigrants pours in. Nobody sane wants the concomitant crime, drug trafficking and inevitable importation of incipient terrorism.
Nobody sane thinks that boys who “identify” as girls should compete against actual girls in varsity athletics (after changing clothes in the girl’s locker room).
Nobody sane thinks that men can have babies or that adolescent boys need tampons in their school restrooms.
Ordinary Americans weren’t much impressed when wealthy, liberal, coastal elites condescendingly told them that they are just too unsophisticated to understand the wonders of Bidenomics. That’s a hard sell to people who are having trouble paying for food, gas, and rent.
Put simply, the Biden administration was a real-world clinic in the failures of leftism. So, with a fresh understanding, the heartland of America rejected the radical leftism that hijacked the once semi-sane Democratic Party and chose a Trump 2.0 presidency instead.
If the history of Ronald Reagan’s similar defeat of Jimmy Carter in 1980 is any guide, the demographic and political realignments that put Donald Trump back in office will prove durable.
We have Joe Biden’s 2020 victory to thank for that.
Kudos! You hit the nail on the head. The Biden administration annoyed my wife and me no end. In Democratic-controled NJ, inflation is rampant and Trenton could care less about senior citizens.
Thank you for that observation. I suppose many people were holding their breath, but the Runamok way the transition from Biden to Kamala was the icing on the cake for Americans. We were tired of giving the Democrats slack by the first few months when it did not appear they could handing anything right.
Joe or Kamala, Kamala or Joe, one in the same; President and VP. Both are interchangeable as we know now. The Obama regime was in charge. How did that work out? They covered up Joe’s dementia, which many of us who have had parents and friends with this disease already knew. Question is why anyone on the Left pick Joe Biden as President and pair him with the first person kicked out of the 2019 Democratic Primary because she was totally unpopular and could not raise any money. To sum it up Loosers! Because they were both subject to being manipulated and directed to do what their puppet masters deemed appropriate? Yep. Three words for you all; World Economic Forum. Billionaires who believe heart and soul they know more and better how to rule the world and our puny little 8 to 5 lives. News Flash: They still believe they know better than we do. Remember that it will be critical 4 years down the road. Evil never rests; need to remember that too. BUT, this Red Wave had been building from 2020 to current victory. Dan Bongino said it best, “When the people get enough, we will know it and they will vote accordingly.” Well, The People had enough. The tired old principle of economics truly applied; “It is the economy stupid!!!”
Even James Carvil said as much ( I do not like that arrogant dastard; but his Savey in regards to the people is spot on.) but no one on the left listened to him; Thank God. Bill O’Reilly gave a nice juicy statistic, when the Reagan Landslide occurred, it set the Democommies back 12 years. George H.W. Bush could have extended the drought but he blew it with his “no new taxes” debacle. Fingers and Toes crossed, this new founded Republican Party will not blow it 12 years down the road due to a stupid slip of the lips. As an AC/DC’s song says, “Loose Lips Sink Ships!” Rock On Angus Young!!!!
Why Paul whatever do you mean the Emperor has no clothes? Did you not see the fine tailoring, the fabulous colors? Funny neither did I.
An ancient truth indeed.
“They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind”.
Hosea 8:7
Anyone with two eyes, two ears and a few brain cells could see this coming within one week of Biden taking office!
Are you sure? Chucky Shumer said that to the Supreme Court Justices Trump nominated. Ah, isn’t Chucky Jewish?
So many truths were unveiled in this election that finally exposed the left and it’s agenda. When you steal something, it becomes a millstone around your neck because the truth, in the end, will prevail.
I think what turned the election was not just the economy, but HOW it tanked. For me, letting in MILLIONS of ILLEGALS and GIVING them what AMERICAN citizens are not…free room and board, free food, free medical care, and I could go on and on what they got but we weren’t able to. This was too much to bear. When you take food away from citizens and give to illegals this goes over like stepping in a huge cow pie. Citizens lost their homes while illegals got free room and board. Hearing cackles say over and over these illegals are not criminals didn’t work well for her. The fact they are here ILLEGALLY makes them criminals.
Then besides all this, five states were hit with two HURRICANES and who didn’t show up…cackles! Guess who did…MORE than once to see what he could do to HELP these people! Fema? They were a no show. Come to find out fema didn’t have the money to help OUR CITIZENS. You can only guess where all that money went to and it wasn’t US. This showed just who could be counted on in a disaster…private citizens provided water and food and rescued those who were stranded. It was President Trump and Elon Musk who got some form of communication started to help rescue people. Where was cackles??? Out hobnobbing with celebs!
President Trump didn’t just win an election, he won over millions of people who were on the fence because it became clear just WHO was on our side!
The icing on the cake was when it came to the people’s attention cackles, after getting a BILLION dollars in donations, she was 20 MILLION in debt. Where did all that go??? I think we really dodged the bullet!
As a senior (79) whose favorite subject in high school was civics , I see good things in both sides . When we totally reject any idea of another party it only hurts us. Think of RFK Jr for HHS . His was the only campaign to which I contributed. I stuffed envelopes for JFK in1960 and worked on the phones & drove people to polls for Bush 41…also drove other seniors this year. I found nothing in the Democrat party to support this time . What I do know is I could afford a 1 bedroom apartment on Social Security during President Trumps first term….now I can afford a group home. 79 really late to try and budget for an apartment on my own. My city doesn’t care.
The Dallas mayor houses street people in with seniors. Everything paid for them with city taxes. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Is it worth my even trying to resolve this issue. Group homes not regulated in Texas. SORRY SO LONG. Almost feel like giving up, but 36 years of sobriety tells me GOD has me.
Just pray that you are right Paul but when you have an MSM that doesn’t report all of the news, or leaves out all the things that are positive that are going on and are constantly comparing our guy to Hitler, those who don’t do research tend to quickly forget and tend to believe what they hear on the MSM or social sources and quickly forget how great things are or how great they were. Like I said, I pray that this time things will be different but soon to be 80 I’ve seen this movie too many times.
The Democrats are quick to point out the tremendous struggle Biden faced due to the way Trump mishandled COVID and the impacts it had on the world. We saw 4 years of ideas to fix things. Trump is taking office with the country on the brink of world war 3! People in blue strongholds across the country are screaming at the leadership of the city for a change. Some, like Pritzker and Johnson, refuse to listen. If Donald can manage to straighten out the mess HE was left by BIDEN, the Democrats may be toast for a while.