It’s not ideology, it’s entertainment.
Another left-leaning talk network has failed. Read the New York Post story here. This time it’s Greenstone Media’s all female talk network that has gone off the air. This in the wake of the liberal Air America network, which last year filed for protection under Chapter 11 and has since emerged and is hanging on to its few affiliates by a slender thread.
If it’s not entertaining, no one will listen to it. The backers of Greenstone arrogantly believed that women think and act as a block. The believed that because Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are male and conservative, that women must want female and liberal.
When a woman turns on the radio she wants the same thing a man wants: entertainment.
Greenstone Media failed to entertain. And thus it failed.
The light has been flipped on and now the roaches are scattering!
Time for the taxpayer to raise nine kinds of hell to their Senators and Representative. These repeated long-standing crimes must…
I wonder how many of these judges are taking kickbacks or are just owned by the Democrat traitors ?
I love it Long overdue!!!! Bring it on as I file my 2024 tax return!
While the legacy media is certainly losing their relevance, what influence that remains is critically dangerous. The lies they spew…