The word ‘hypocrite’ no longer starts with an “H”.

(l-r) Austin mayor Steve Adler, Denver mayor Michael Hancock, New York governor Andrew Cuomo, California governor Gavin Newsom

Here’s a spelling test. How do you spell ‘hypocrite?’ Here’s a hint. Anymore, hypocrite doesn’t start with an “H.” It starts with a “D.”

As in D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T. (Alternate spelling: L-I-B-E-R-A-L)

Here are some examples, the number and detail of which are limited by space.

In direct contravention of his own proclamations, Austin mayor Steve Adler hosted a wedding and reception for his daughter and 20 guests at a local restaurant in November. The next day, Adler and seven others hopped on a private plane and jetted themselves off to Cabo, where they vacationed for a week.

One day into that trip, hizzoner posted a Facebook video sanctimoniously urging his subjects to, “…stay home if you can. We may have to close things down if you’re not careful.”

When he got caught (and these guys are so arrogant that they’re always surprised when they get caught), he issued a mumbling apology to the effect that he regretted what he did and, in hindsight, would have done better, and yada, yada, yada.

Mayor Adler’s hypocrisy is the latest in a string of examples of “thee but not for me” edicts issuing from the ministerial heights of our dear leaders.

Dateline Denver: In advance of the Thanksgiving holiday, Mayor Michael Hancock issued statements via social media urging one and all to stay home and avoid travel over the holiday. Those communiques went out just as Mayor Hancock was boarding a flight for Mississippi to be with his family, who had already left town.

New York governor Andrew Cuomo, who actually wrote a book telling us what a brilliant job he did dealing with COVID, had to disinvite his mother from traveling to Albany for Thanksgiving. Busy as he must be with virtual book signings and all, when he invited mom, he apparently forgot that he had ordered the rest of New York to stay home. A wave of recollection washed over him, though, when thousands of aggrieved New Yorkers rose up in righteous anger.

And that brings us to California, where every stupid liberal thing seems to get amplified. Prior to Thanksgiving, Governor Gavin Newsom issued an astonishingly detailed list of dos and don’ts (mostly don’ts) regarding Thanksgiving dinner. And when we say detailed, we mean detailed down to specifics as to how many could attend (ten, all masked), where they had to sit, (outside) and how they might be permitted to use the bathroom (try to hold it).

He was then observed at the toniest of posh-posh eateries in the Napa Valley at a well-attended birthday party for a top lobbyist. Everyone was inside. No one was wearing a mask.

There are more examples – plenty more – but space doesn’t permit. So, here’s another little test. Aside from being politicians, what do the key figures in these examples have in common?

Ding, ding, ding! You’re correct! They’re all Democrats.

And to a person, they believe that they are smarter than you, more sophisticated than you and presumptively deserving of living better than you.

Paul Gleiser

Paul L. Gleiser is president of ATW Media, LLC, licensee of radio stations KTBB 97.5 FM/AM600, 92.1 The TEAM FM in Tyler-Longview, Texas.

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43 Responses

  1. Jim Lee says:

    Well said my friend.

  2. Buddy Saunders says:

    I’m disappointed. Thought you’d be writing about election fraud. Isn’t that a bit more important? We are in real risk of losing the country due to election fraud. Compared to that, I don’t give a hoot about a bunch of Democrat windbags predictably failing to abide by their one edicts. So what else is new there?

  3. Richard Anderson says:

    Exactly correct. Kudos Mr. Gleiser.

    You described the problem in government perfectly. Wherever democrats govern.. strike that.. “reign,” WE THE PEOPLE, the proud citizens of our republic suffer NEEDLESSLY while the leftist dems go about their business acting as if the rules don’t apply to them. That’s just plain wrong.

    Job 1 is “getting” those people OUT of office at the ballot box. But we have a serious issue there as the ballot box isn’t a box anymore. It’s a moving decimal point within a corrupt software ballot “counting” machine system company known as Dominion/Smartmatic, with corrupt vote counting center officials topping it all off.

    If you have a Democrat who gets his vote “weighted” at 1.25 votes vs. .75 for my Republican candidate, YOU CAN’T WIN if you’re the Republican. That’s fraud, it’s illegal, if not treason.

    That’s precisely the BIG ISSUE right now as we speak with the presidential election of November 3, 2020, as to why Biden, combined along with thousands of ILLEGAL phantom ballots for him in the middle of night in the form of ILLEGAL ballot dumps, that he, if given only a cursory look, appears –on the surface– to have won. But in fact, he didn’t.

    As a multitude of witnesses, hundreds of sworn affidavits, (and now along with surveillance video evidence in just today), have attested to in the several states in question, Biden cheated massively, and Trump won.

    The states in question are Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Nevada.

    President Trump is the legitimate 2020 victor. Mark that down. And he didn’t cheat like the other side to do it.

    Watch the testimony and coverage of this election debacle on OAN, Newsmax, and RSBN on youtube. Once you have the facts, you’ll know the truth. Raise your voice and let those in government know, that this “FRAUD of a presidential election” cannot stand.

    I’m not a young man anymore. With that said, I’ve NEVER seen anything like this in any presidential election EVER if my lifetime.

  4. Ron Eagleman says:

    Bingo Paul! Does anyone see a pattern here? Which party wants to regulate every part of our life? Which party wants to order small businesses to close without any data to support the closures? Which party wants to control behavior by taxation? Which party is the most hypocritical in following their own edicts? This type of leadership is reminiscent of tyrants throughout history, and most were insecure misfits who wanted recognition that they were never able to gain otherwise. One fine example of this deficiency is the governor of Oregon. She is not about to relinquish any of the power that she now has; it is probably the first time in her life that anyone has paid any attention to her. How long will it take for these blue states to get the message? When it happens, please, please do not bring that mindset to the Lone Star State!

  5. C M Solomon says:

    “And to a person, they believe that they are smarter than you, more sophisticated than you and presumptively deserving of living better than you” – Paul Gleiser.

    This is why I totally despise these creatures that are self-worshipers that are detached from OUR humanity that is founded on the “Golden Rule.” As special creation of God Almighty, we are endowed with “Unalienable Rights” and the intelligence to conduct our own affairs without their “iron-fisted control” of Sanctimonious Superiority. This superiority is the CORE CREED of the Tyranny Cult that has destroyed the lives of millions of our fellow human beings over the history of mankind with impunity. They ultimately become agents of Evil Personified, given the murder and mayhem that fills our history books. Of course, these Cultists start out as benevolent “care takers” of us lesser beings (that can’t be trusted to run our own lives), strutting their own self-exalted status at every turn. With clever duplicity they ultimately enslave their followers into becoming dependent subjects of their “benevolence” that becomes a substitute for the self-sufficiency that formerly existed. Tyrants love to turn humans into supplicant animals that can serve their Tyrannical masters at will and under penalty of death if they don’t obey.

    The facts are that they are the dumbest individuals you will ever meet and have little to show for their own accomplishments other than what they have gained by being superior con-artist, fast talkers. I have known too many of these types of creatures to count. They wrap themselves in Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism and Communism, et al., to justify their self-righteous egomania, devoid of the self-examination, common to ordinary human beings, subject to condemnation and self-correction as needed.

    Being detached from reality and the consequences of their hubris, they escape accountability for their stupidity, evil deeds, and the subjugation they inflict on the rest of humanity. That is why they defame and destroy their Liberty loving enemies without ANY ability to debate or to justify their Cultist beliefs. As we have seen on this discussion board, followers of the Hypocrite (Marxist) Cult are incapable of logical debate or rational justification of their disastrous beliefs and the consequences of the conduct of their political heroes (Social Democrats), the new Commiecrats that populate their religion. It is hopeless and a waste of time to debate the Commiecrat that plots to CANCEL our Constitutional Freedoms (Speech, Religion, Self-Defense, Property, Assembly, Business, etc.) in favor of their “righteous” Tyranny that would ultimately turn us into the hordes of serfs that populate Communist countries where human life is treated as a commodity to serve the whims of the State.

    Tyranny loves Tyranny, no matter where it exists, whether it is US Commiecrats, China, Iran, Radical Islam, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. We are on the threshold of a domestic, one-way conversion to a Marxist, one-party rule, if President Trump’s election victory is successfully stolen by hundreds of thousands of illegal and fathom ballots counted in the middle of the night after election day by unaudited Democrat only operatives and fraudulent election computers programmed for election theft on demand. The monumental and unprecedented spikes in the vote tally time curves have documented this theft in the middle of the night across many battleground states during this almost simultaneous time period that was obviously coordinated to overturn the huge Trump lead in these States that had already existed at high levels of completion. The finger prints of this theft by the Left are everywhere and visible to ANY honest observer, despite the weak, vacuous, and foolish arguments from habitual BIG LIE con-artists.

    I believe that President Trump has NO obligation to accept the results of a contaminated election in these States where documented fraud of this magnitude took place. Until the obvious fraud is investigated, quantified, and the guilty parties are exposed and the fraudulent computers are forensically examined, an alleged illegal election is subject to being invalidated by President trump since HE is the Chief LAW Enforcement Officer in the Land according to the Constitution. He is REQUIRED to seek out and identify the perpetrators of this election theft. The LAW is supreme in this Constitutional Republic, NOT political Tyrants that plot to steal this election with their complicit propaganda machine that continues to “brain wash” their followers.

    The vote of 74 million Trump Voters has been stolen by the Commiecrats and the election can NOT be completed until the stolen property is returned to these 74 million voters with accuracy, period! The resolution of this theft is not subject to popular opinion of the Commiecrat followers; it is a matter of LAW as determined by the Truth, the Whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, So Help Us, God! Until this occurs, Trump remains President; otherwise this Republic is finished and it is replaced by a Marxist Globalist nation (no Constitutional protections whatsoever) with a Commiecrat President without any hope of recovery. That is what we are witnessing – the possible destruction of the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.

  6. C M Solomon says:

    Here is a quick review of the published Marxist Democrat plan to take over this country. 1) Control the Senate and remove the filibuster rule so that (with all 3 branches of government under Leftist control) ANY Leftist bill can be passed without successful opposition by the Republicans. 2) With both Houses of Congress and the Presidency, the Supreme Court will be packed with 6 additional far Left justices (super majority) in order to re-write the Constitution (ignore it) as it had been previously interpreted. 3) Add 2 States (four Leftist Senators) to the Union such as Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia (DC) giving the Democrat Senate an additional 4 vote margin. 4) Eliminate the Electoral College either directly or allow the States to appoint electors according to the “National” popular vote instead of the “State” popular vote.

    All of these plans will result in a PERMANENT Marxist Radical Left control of the Nation since the largest population cities (all Marxist Democrat) will swamp the rest of the country in popular vote. The 90% Conservative (Red) counties in the country will have NO influence on any future vote to return to a Constitutional Conservative form of national government. Welcome to the Union of Socialist States of America (USSA)!

  7. Paul and I have agreed-to-disagree as to how well Rudolph Giuliani is representing the president in his voter fraud investigation.

    Rudy’s own blooper reel aside, you have likely, by now, seen the star witness he tee’d-up — but couldn’t shut-up — at a hearing in Lansing. If you missed the viral video, grab the arm rest. You’re about to hear a Rosetta Stone-quality Michigan accent, apparently lubricated:

    And “HERE’S…” as the late, great Paul Harvey used to say, “…the REST of the story:”

    But APPLAUSE to Mr. Gleiser, whose reasoned take on the recurring debate over the Electoral College won-over a thoughtful lefty! Let’s go to the videotape:

  8. C M Solomon says:

    Paul, I reduced my un-posted comments, trusting that these will be more to the point.

    “And to a person, they believe that they are smarter than you, more sophisticated than you and presumptively deserving of living better than you” – Paul Gleiser.

    The Socialist Marxist Democrat (Commiecrat) is unable to accept the fact that we are a special creation of God Almighty, and that we are endowed with “Unalienable Rights” and with the intelligence to conduct our own affairs without their “iron-fisted control” of Sanctimonious Superiority. It is hopeless and a waste of time to debate the Commiecrat that plots to CANCEL our Constitutional Freedoms (Speech, Religion, Self-Defense, Property, Assembly, Business, etc.) in favor of their “righteous and unquestionable” Tyranny that would ultimately turn us into the hordes of serfs that populate Communist countries where human life is treated as a commodity to serve the whims of the State. They wrap themselves in Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism and Communism, et al., to justify their self-righteous egomania, devoid of the self-examination, common to ordinary human beings, subject to condemnation and self-correction as needed. Remember the “Golden Rule?”

    Tyranny loves Tyranny, no matter where it exists, whether it is Commiecrats, China, Iran, Radical Islam, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. We are on the threshold of a domestic, one-way conversion to a Marxist, one-party rule, if President Trump’s election victory is successfully stolen by hundreds of thousands of illegal and fathom ballots counted in the middle of the night after election day by unaudited Democrat only operatives and fraudulent election computers programmed for election theft on demand. The monumental and unprecedented spikes in the vote tally time curves have documented this theft in the middle of the night across many battleground states during this almost simultaneous time period that was obviously coordinated to overturn the huge Trump lead in these States that had already existed at high levels of completion. The finger prints of this theft by the Left are everywhere and visible to ANY honest observer, despite the weak, vacuous, and foolish arguments from habitual BIG LIE con-artists.

    I believe that President Trump has NO obligation to accept the results of a contaminated election in the 6 States where documented fraud of this magnitude took place. Until the obvious fraud is investigated, quantified, and the guilty parties are exposed and the fraudulent computers are forensically examined, an alleged illegal election is subject to being invalidated by President trump since HE is the “Chief LAW Enforcement Officer in the Land” according to the Constitution. He is REQUIRED to seek out and identify the perpetrators of this election theft. The LAW is supreme in this Constitutional Republic, NOT political Tyrants that plot to steal this election with their complicit propaganda machine that continues to “brain wash” their followers.

    The vote of 74 million Trump Voters has been stolen by the Commiecrats and the election can NOT be completed until the stolen property is returned to these 74 million voters with accuracy, period! The resolution of this theft is not subject to popular opinion of the Commiecrat followers; it is a matter of LAW as determined by the Truth, the Whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, So Help Us, God! Until this occurs, Trump remains President; otherwise this Republic is finished and it is replaced by a Marxist Globalist nation (no Constitutional protections whatsoever) with a Commiecrat President without any hope of recovery. That is what we are witnessing – the possible destruction of the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.

    • Ron Eagleman says:

      As usual Solomon, your analysis is spot on! The only thing I could add is a possible explanation of why we do not see more interest from the D.O.J. and some politicians to get to the bottom of this obvious assault on our constitution. At the risk of being accused of being a conspiracy nut, there may be skeletons in certain closets that the expert “skeleton sleuths” have uncovered. Blackmail is one of the Democrats favorite tactics to achieve favorable decisions by courts and political victories. Without such leverage, it is difficult to understand why some of the low hanging fruit of the last election fraud has not already been picked. If any of my Democrat friends have doubts or curiosity about this assertion, please do a little research into the ascension of power by our favorite community organizer. Isn’t it miraculous how many primary and general election opponents had to drop out due to unsealed divorce decrees and/or election law “violations”? C’mon man!

      • Michael Reagan says:

        DOJ, FBI, ad nausea in the so called Justice Department has been complicit since Clinton sold the Lincoln bedroom of the White House to a Chinese business man. Do you remember that? Really, think about a frigg’n Chinese communist renting a room at the White House! WHAT!!!! Thanks Slick Willie.

        Since Clinton years the Justice Department has sucked methane laden eggs. This is where the two tiered Justice System was born. Dems get a pass where all else, with the media being completely and unadulterated complicit, dictate the mood.

        Toss Facebook, Toss Google, Toss all Left leaning social media. If we can get that 70 million plus to do that. Ball Game. But how? I do not do face book or any social media because they would censor me, so why try. Screw them.

        Congress, HA! The Repubs are just as dirty as the Dems. That is exactly the problem. The one’s who are not are in such a minority it will take a second revolution to cleanse that problem, Who will do that?

        • Ron Eagleman says:

          Ah yes, I almost forgot about Slick Willy and Johnny Chung! I also do not remember hearing that anyone ever got 3 hots and a cot for that illegal fund raising. Yep you are right, it does seem that the DOJ has joined the other swamp creatures. As Thomas Jefferson stated, “every generation needs a revolution”, and the silent majority will be leading the charge. When patriotic Americans have finally lost faith in their government and the sanctity of the ballot box, it will not be a pretty picture! Patience is a virtue, but this virtue has limits!

  9. C M Solomon says:

    Here is an example to illustrate the issue of the apparent illegal ballot fraud that occurred in 6 Democrat controlled cities in BATTLEGROUND states with huge deviations of vote patterns (by hundreds of thousands of vote tallies) as compared to the rest of the country’s Democrat controlled cities that are NOT in battleground states. Apparently, the Left is not interested in confirming that an election is worth trusting by the majority of the American people.

    UOVO is New York’s #1 provider of art storage and services with over 650,000 square feet of storage space distributed among 4 separate facilities greater than 100,000 square feet each. All four UOVO locations are protected by custom security systems.

    Suppose that on the same night, within a 2 hour period, it was discovered that the security systems MAY have been simultaneously penetrated in 3 of their 4 locations. Wouldn’t an investigation be started for a complete inventory of the items in ALL 4 locations to determine if property was stolen, just to be sure? You can imagine how difficult this would be if the thieves were very careful not to leave any trace of obvious breakage where they might have penetrated the many thousands of internal storage areas at each facility.

    Wouldn’t UOVU lock down access to all 4 of their facilities until the possible crime areas under suspicion had been thoroughly examined to quantify the AMOUNT of the theft and preserve any clues that might lead to IDENTIFICATION of the perpetrators? And wouldn’t they take as much TIME as necessary to complete their investigation BEFORE taking any new business? Of course they would.

    Therefore, I suggest that the obvious and huge ballot fraud (illustrated by suspicious vote patterns, huge unnatural spikes in vote updates, lack of signature verification, improperly registered voters, unsecured ballot tracking, and electronic ballot alteration) be thoroughly investigated and QUANTIFIED before ANY election results be considered FINAL and accepted by the American people and the President himself. Needless to say, NO additional runoff elections in battleground states should be conducted or trusted until this possible massive ballot theft has been resolved, NO matter how LONG it takes! The FOUNDATIONS of our Republic are at stake which DEPENDS on the American people KNOWING that we have EQUAL protection under the LAW and that their properly counted vote has not been disenfranchised by cleverly hidden techniques to steal their vote, anyway! It is stupid to claim NOW that the amount of possible fraud doesn’t have enough QUANTITY to over-turn the election. Is BIll Barr awake? This is disinformation at its worst since the investigation has barely started!

  10. “280,000 plus people have died this year of a virus that the President doesn’t even talk about and we know the lies he’s told about it this year. People are standing in lines to get free food because they don’t have money to buy food. People are losing their jobs. A large part of our population is on or going on unemployment. But damm. I am so excited tonight because Melania Trump announced today she’s about to unveil a new White House tennis pavilion. I will sleep well tonight after hearing this exciting news. It’s great knowing the White House has their priorities in order.”

    – fellow broadcaster Tom Barney, on Facebook

    • Paul Gleiser says:

      So much twaddle, so little time.

      • NO more time for those 280,000.
        And another 3000 today.

        • Michael Reagan says:

          What about the good ole Influenza virus? Where has that little bugger gone?
          I have not heard of a single case of the Flu in quite some time; have you?

          Strokes and heart attacks have disappeared as well. Are we now only dying of Covid?

          • C M Solomon says:

            Michael, you are SO right. The Left has successfully used FEAR to distort the COVID virus issue. The word “cases” is DELIBERATELY used to imply illness when the facts are that it means “tested positive” where the vast majority of the “cases” are false negatives (overly sensitive tests) or asymptotic (NO symptoms at all). If you subtract the elderly and comorbidity patients, the rate of actual sicknesses or hospitalizations are similar to the seasonal flu. In the situations where the “politically savaged” uses of prophylactics (Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, Azithromycin, i.e., the Zelenko Protocol) are administered, especially to the elderly within 5 days of actual symptoms, the hospitalizations drop to less than 5%. This is well documented in official medical literature despite the Leftist media propaganda to the contrary.

            I believe thousands of COVID death were not necessary because “on the ground” MEDICAL SCIENCE was ignored by the Deep State in the Ivory Towers of the Washington bureaucracy that are not treating actual patients! As you have pointed out, there were also thousands of deaths that were due to delayed or cancelled treatments for the traditional major illnesses due to cancer, heart, lung, and mental issues that WERE NOT treated. How about the financial and emotional trauma due to the loss of work due to the draconian lock-downs that still exist today in Leftist controlled States, particularly for those in small businesses?

            The despicable Left is NOT interested in Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness because they DO NOT accept our God created Humanity. They believe in Humanism and Communism and the pursuit of their exalted Power at the expense of individual freedom, WHATEVER it takes, devoid of ANY moral limits! Yet, we have contributors here that continue to spew their disinformation while ignoring ANY real information to the contrary. We have a right to be angry at the headlong plunge into Tyranny that seems to be unstoppable in this country and they are using the COVID virus to promote that Tyranny.

          • Perverse-as-is your disappointment that more aren’t suffering yet (as the flu season begins), make room for the possibility that The 3-Digit IQ Crowd heeding mask/Social Distancing/other COVID-related protocols is also slowing influenza spread.

            LET FREEDOM RING.
            Then hang up and call back.

          • C M Solomon says:

            I forgot to add low cost “Ivermectin” to my prophylactics list in my previous comments regarding early treatment for the COVID virus. It has shown tremendous life saving results according to the double-blind, peer reviewed data being published by infectious disease experts actually PRACTICING medicine that are not part of the government “medical” bureaucracy that is SLOW to consider currently available, low cost drugs.

          • C M Solomon says:

            You won’t believe this, but I just discovered these 2 videos today. Sen. Ron Johnson, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee held his second hearing on December 8, 2020 focusing on early treatment of COVID-19. These videos are 8 and 32 minutes long, respectively, and illustrate successful results from many physicians that are treating COVID-19 patients. These are MUST see videos if you value responsible freedom in the medical community, free from unreasonable government regulations.

            These videos verified my suspicions that overbearing government limits medical solutions that highly experienced doctors in the field discover when THEY alone are responsible for saving the lives of their patients every day. I suggest saving these videos before YouTube scrubs them, given their new censorship plans announced today.

            Dr. Pierre Kory Senate Testimony On Early COVID-19 Treatments

            Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution, Part II

            This is another example of the Hypocrisy of the Left when it comes to their version of “healthcare” and using a VIRUS to promote limiting the medical profession and using FEAR to justify suppressing our Liberty.

      • C M Solomon says:

        Has anybody discovered the brain eating virus that seems to have consumed the majority of the Leftist Media. President Trump has orchestrated a miracle in dealing with every facet of the CORONA virus from China since December of 2019 in spite of the 100% hatred and lack of support from the anti-American Left. It is very clear that the Trump Derangement Syndrome has permanently destroyed the objectivity of the Media that operates the Cult of Lies that permeates the Hate America First, Commiecrat Party and its elite members in the Deep State.

        • Trump Derangement Syndrome?
          Grab the arm rest.
          Here comes Biden Derangement Syndrome:

        • Ron Eagleman says:

          Hello, My name is Ron Eagleman, and I was once a Democrat, but thank God I am in recovery! Due to the ineptitude of Carter and Slick Willy’s defacement of the presidency, I terminated my allegiance to the Democratic party. Reagan gave me a clear perspective, and confirmed my conversion to the Republican party. The Obama/Biden administration cemented my decision. It is difficult for me to understand how any thoughtful person who loves this country could ever be associated with a political party that wittingly commits such corrupt schemes to gain power. Could any of my Democrat friends please ‘splain the reasoning for your support? While you are at it, also ‘splain why none of your politicians has condemned the vile illegal acts of ANTIFA and/or Black Lives Matter? No links please!

          • No links? Have Mom & Dad set Parental Controls?

            “But seriously…”

            Above, someone recommended “prophylactics?” And you’re complaining about face masks?

            Quote of The Day regarding Paxton’s quixotic SCOTUS gambit comes from John Cornyn: “I frankly struggle to understand the legal theory of it.”

          • Paul Gleiser says:

            Quixotic? A suit that is joined by more than a third of the states in the Union is quixotic?

            And so far as Senator Cornyn goes, the KTBB newsroom has placed calls to his office offering to explain his “struggle to understand.” So far, he has not called back.

  11. Michael Reagan says:

    TOTAL F’N IDIOT AWARD: Goes to Texas State Representative Terry Meza of Irving. HB 196 that she proposed is “for the repeal of the Castle Law”. It has fantastically meteoric ridiculous language such as the following and please allow me to paraphrase. Ready for this?

    If someone is breaking into your home it is the HOMEOWNER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO FLEE THE HOME. If one cannot flee then cooperate and allow the thief to take what they need. Chances are they need it anyway. Thieves ONLY CARRY GUNS for their OWN SELF DEFENSE. By repeal of the Castle Law many deaths can be prevented. More incredible dribble that lines up with all us “white people” having too much stuff and privilege that we owe it to the thieves to take our belongings without any opposition or force what so ever.

    OMG how completely off the rails can one get? Of course this will not pass or even make it to a committee in Texas; THANK GOD!!!! But this complete idiot believes in it. What the hell are we teaching in schools these days? This goes way beyond hypocrisy.

    • Ron Eagleman says:

      In her acceptance of The “TOTAL F”N IDIOT AWARD”, she should not forget to thank the “TOTAL F’N IDIOTS” who elected her. What happened to Irving?

  12. RE “KTBB newsroom has placed calls to his office offering to explain his “struggle to understand.” So far, he has not called back.”

    Have ’em say “Jared Kushner calling…”

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