Why Ukraine matters.

Police officers inspect area after an apparent Russian strike in Kyiv Ukraine, Thursday, Feb. 24, 2022. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday announced a military operation in Ukraine and warned other countries that any attempt to interfere with the Russian action would lead to “consequences you have never seen.” (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)
Kiev, Ukraine is a long, long way from here. Leaving from DFW it would take you 35 grueling hours of travel to get there.
So why, exactly, do we care about a conflict between Russia and Ukraine?
Well, to start, Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe behind Russia. It has a population of about 40 million and it occupies an area greater than the State of Texas. It is the number one producer of Uranium in Europe and it produces food that feeds more than 600 million. Ukraine ranks number four worldwide in the total value of its natural resources.
One of those resources is neon gas – essential to the production of semiconductors. Ukraine supplies 90 percent of semiconductor-grade neon to U.S. chip manufacturers.
But the Ukraine story is about more than strategic assets.
One day during World War II the world woke up and found that the United States had more men in uniform and more ships at sea than Great Britain. In that moment, world hegemony peacefully passed from one predominantly Christian, law-abiding, English-speaking nation to another. Where once the British Navy patrolled the oceans and projected peacekeeping power around the world, that job now falls to the United States. Or at least it did.
For better – and admittedly at times for worse – the United States has been the world’s hegemon and the chief deterrent force against thugs and tyrants and dictators. There will always be a hegemon, or if not, the contest to become the hegemon.
The idiots on the left who take delight in hating the United States seem to not understand that this nation – with its admitted faults – actually is the bright, shining city on the hill. Through its history, by virtue of its strength, the United States has lifted more people out of poverty and freed more people from bondage than any prior nation in history.
History teaches that weakness is provocative. The United States under President Joe Biden looks weak to a thug like Vladimir Putin. The day that Joe Biden took office a barrel of oil cost $48. Thanks to Biden’s radical left energy policy, that price has doubled – benefitting Vladimir Putin because energy is Putin’s only source of hard currency.
Canceling the Keystone XL pipeline and shutting down oil production on federal leases cost the United States its hard-won energy independence. It’s inflationary, which hurts the U.S. dollar’s standing as the world’s reserve currency, further weakening U.S. standing in the world.
Putin invaded Ukraine because he has the money and he thinks he can get away with it. He no longer respects the western allies because he no longer respects the United States. Joe Biden’s undeniable weakness invites aggression. With Ukraine now hot, don’t be shocked when North Korea starts firing missiles in the direction of San Francisco. Don’t be surprised when the mullahs of Iran start testing a nuclear weapon. And don’t faint when you pay $4.50 or $5.50 or $6.50 for a gallon of gas.
That’s why we care about Ukraine.
If only biden cared🤔
You nailed it Paul. Let’s hope the patriots in this great country realize this. And, you did an exceptional job today for Jimmy Failla.
Great job on Jimmy’s show today!
I don’t know why he doesn’t pull a Clinton and just eat some crow!
As much as hate to say it, he might get re-elected (:
I believe Joe and Vlad are gonna split the take
Hopefully the oil we’ve been importing from Russia for many years ,which was apparently about 7 % of total imports will not have to much of an impact . According to Oil.com currently big oil is focused on returns to investors, that $ 200 a barrel oil would not be enough cause to ramp up significantly, simply put it’s what Wallstreet wants right now not everyday people, if it were only as simple as the narrative that is repeated over and over from the right. Putin doesn’t respect any nation, never has, he thinks he’s a badass obviously . Does seem some prominent conservatives in media including our previous President seem to be praising him these days in a weird round about way,go figure, wow . I guess anything is possible from here on out ,my how things change so fast,amazing.
Heard you on national radio today, second time I think… and well done. Proud to have lived in the Tyler area once and found your station. And with the WWW, i have enjoyed your comments ever since. Fun hearing you on FOX and the JF show. Keep up the great work… you are voicing what I believe millions of of Americans, and citizens of the world who look to the freedom loving Americans for hope, believe to be true. God bless you and God bless America. And God help Ukraine. I have spent months at a time in that country, and they are a great people, but still more “Red” than Free. Freedom is not easily learned.
These are serious times and Biden is oblivious. Both men are working to etch their place in the history books. Putin is trying to rebuild the former Soviet Union and will stop at nothing to achieve it. Biden is trying to stop him, starting with what he WON’T do (send in troops), and hesitant about what he WILL do. He has lost before he began. Putin didn’t push Trump because he wasn’t sure how Trump would react. Trump SAID he would target Moscow and Putin actually believed he would! Joe said we will know in a month or so how his sanctions have worked. Hopefully Kiev can last until then. Vlad will surely run out of rockets soon if he keeps firing them at the current rate.
Biden is chuckling in the background because when Putin is successful, and he will be, he and Hunter’s money laundering scheme is protected from disclosure and litigation. I lived through the Carter years and thought it could never be worse for us as far as incompetent leadership in the oval office, then Obeyme proved that wrong. You would think the American people finally learned their lesson especially after 4 terrific years with Trump at the helm, but noooooooo, they install the absolute worst of choices in Biden. Let’s go Brandon!!!
Let us all pray that the Lord’s will might finally be done on earth. We’ve prayed that prayer so many times before. Someday that prayer will be answered. Let us keep praying.
I think this whole oil supply issue really needs more clarification. First, the Keystone XL pipeline officially began construction in April of 2020. When it was canceled 9 months later, it was only 8 percent complete. Even if it weren’t canceled, it would still be under construction today. Next, oil production on public lands represents about 25 percent of total US production. The largest one year increase in oil production over the last few years was around 20 percent. So if we were still issuing permits, that would give us about a 5 percent increase in total US production. And that’s a very generous number given that the oil and gas companies are currently sitting on millions of acres of unused permits now. Regardless, since the US only comprises about 15 percent of worldwide oil production, that means that those new leases would have produced at most an extra 0.7 percent increase in the available oil supply. I really don’t understand how that could have the impact on prices that you are claiming. Maybe you can post your analysis of how you came to that conclusion.
Bill good luck on that , I’ve asked folks for more in depth detailed examples of how they arrive at their opinions other than hearing someone else say it but to no avail , on many subjects currently being constantly pounded in certain media. It is said so therefore it is so, that’s apparently enough for many. We are living in strange and disturbing times and only to get worse. There’s a lot of money generated from misinformation, money isn’t friends with integrity.
Mr.Reynolds, when the pandemic hit, demand for oil plummeted as a result of lockdowns, fewer people commuting to work, fewer people out shopping and dining and all the rest. U.S. oil producers reduced their output accordingly. As the economy began to slowly recover, we had a change in administration. This administration, unlike the previous administration, is very hostile to oil and gas production. One of Biden’s very first executive orders was to very greatly restrict new oil & gas production leases on federal lands. About 25 percent of U.S. oil & gas production comes from federal lands.
At the same time, Biden halted construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, which had no immediate impact on markets but sent a clear signal that U.S. refiners can not count on lower-cost crude production from Canada to meet future demand.
These actions by the administration send a very clear signal to oil & gas producers and the downstream markets into which those producers sell their output that replacement costs for current reserves are going to be dramatically higher. Producers are reacting by banking their current reserves. Keep in mind that most oil & gas producers are relatively small operators. Most oil & gas in the U.S. is produced by independent companies rather the the high-profile giants like Exxon-Mobil. These independent operators are making discreet decisions about their reserves based on their beliefs about what future conditions will be.
Couple this market-altering fact with the fact that producers have been slow to front the money to ramp production back up to pre-pandemic levels for fear of another economic shock from a new variant and you have very strong upward pressure on prices.
As a result of all of this, U.S. oil production is down by about two million barrels per day from the pre-pandemic peak. That marginal drop is the difference-maker. At current demand, with the expectation of increasing demand in coming months, that two million barrels puts the U.S. back out in the world market buying oil instead of selling oil.
To keep oil & gas prices low, Biden should have refrained from taking the action that he did that sent a clear signal to the markets that replacement costs for current reserves are going to be much higher. As the economy staggers back to its feet following the pandemic, now is not the time to be hostile to the primary input for all economic activity, which is energy.
I hope this addresses your question.
So essentially then being hostile towards energy companies is the culprit for the most part. Well I’m sure any industry welcomes a do what you want environment when dealing with government and its involvement. It’s a free market, energy companies are free to play their cards as they wish, they are not bound to doing what is helpful to our nation, only their bank accounts is what matters apparently. Maybe we’re lacking “Patriotism ” amongst many in the energy business. Maybe current administration should throw a bunch of subsidies their way,truth be told that’s on their minds. After all I’m sure some trickles down to smaller operators, they’ve been reaping huge subsidies for decades.
Filling in for JF. First time very good, second time great… just talk till the music plays!
Keep up the good work.