Indiana Trump.

(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Listen To You Tell Me Texas Friday 4/6/18


There is a scene in the movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark” in which Indiana Jones, played by Harrison Ford, is confronted by a bad guy with a really large sword. The bad guy laughs menacingly while threatening Indiana and making a big show of brandishing the sword.

Indiana takes this all in for a moment before reaching for his revolver, rolling his eyes and simply shooting the guy. Problem solved.

The scene worked as a moment of comic relief and the comedy lay in what was expected of Indiana.

The audience expected Indiana to either engage the sword-wielding bad buy on the bad guy’s terms or high-tail it out there. Indy had no time for either. He ignored custom and just casually shot the guy. It was a direct response to a direct problem.

Donald Trump’s presidency has, in many ways, been like that scene in Raiders. Time and again, when dealing with problems that have festered for years under previous administrations, Mr. Trump has simply rolled his eyes, reached for his metaphorical pistol and fired. But unlike the scene in Raiders, where the audience laughed, no one is laughing at Trump. And his detractors – including an almost universally hostile media – are openly aghast.

But to what effect is President Trump shooting from the hip? Let’s go down the list.

Where previous administrations have tried bribing and appeasing a threatening North Korean dictator, which is what has come to be expected of American administrations, Donald Trump beefed up American naval presence in Asia while offering the Kim Jong-un the prospect of complete annihilation if he chooses not to behave. The dictator now says he wants to talk.

Where previous administrations have put up with European countries stiffing their financial commitments to NATO, Donald Trump said loud and clear, ‘pay up.’ Twenty five NATO countries shortly thereafter announced plans to up their defense spending.

Where previous presidents have mouthed meaningless words about Mexico exporting its poverty to the United States, Donald Trump mobilized the National Guard to help protect the border. The flow of illegal immigrants has slowed dramatically while a growing list of cities and counties in California are now actively resisting that state’s “sanctuary” law.

Where previous administrations allowed China to cheat on trade for decades and allowed China to close markets to U.S. manufacturers and rip off intellectual property and trade secrets, Donald Trump rolled his eyes and imposed tariffs. Little reported by the anti-Trump media is that behind their public bluster, Chinese officials are quietly negotiating with the Trump administration.

Often inelegantly and almost always braggadociosly Donald Trump is getting things done. Like Indiana Jones, Donald Trump is often disinclined to observe the traditional niceties. This rankles in many quarters, most especially in establishment Washington.

But, also like Indiana Jones, Donald Trump is getting results. And despite overwhelmingly negative press coverage, his approval rating according to Rasmussen now stands above 50 percent.

Getting things done can have that effect.

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Paul Gleiser

Paul L. Gleiser is president of ATW Media, LLC, licensee of radio stations KTBB 97.5 FM/AM600, 92.1 The TEAM FM in Tyler-Longview, Texas.

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7 Responses

  1. Richard Anderson says:

    President Trump is getting it done for The UNITED STATES of AMERICA and ALL our citizens. This November 6, 2018, Democrats [aka progressives/liberals] MUST be voted OUT, and Republicans voted IN to assist our President in completing his agenda. As well, GO Republican down the ballot for every other office–local and state–across the 50 states of our grand Constitutional Republic.

    Will be voting for TRUMP in 2020.

    MAGA! [Make America Great Again!]

  2. Ben F. Davis II says:

    I am tired of the Wall Street people whining about a “Trade War” with China. I would like for Trump to place a total embargo on all goods from China and all other Communist countries. We also should defend the Southern Border just as the Israelis defend their border with Gaza and the terrorist Hezbollah.

  3. Linda E. Montrose says:

    I would rather have ONE TRUMP as President than a whole slew of Bushes. Have said this many times before about Our President and that his dealing with people as he has for years upon years has taught him many things that people like George Bush will never in a lifetime know. Where others have just wanted to pacify the people by promises never intended to be kept, President Trump is keeping his that was made to Americans. Even the GREAT RONALD REAGAN would not walk where the Donald has.

  4. And Mexico will pay for it!

    • Richard Anderson says:

      Paying for THE WALL? Yes. Easily.

      The multiple BILLIONS of dollars SAVED [money earned by U.S. citizens* *i.e. taxpayers] which are currently being spent on transfer payments to foreign nationals ILLEGALLY in the United States [again via courtesy of U.S. citizen taxpayers without our approval] will MORE than pay for THE WALL. And that is just the most obvious way.
      Another way among others, are fees on the billions of remittance dollars being sent south of the border to neighboring Mexico by NON U.S. citizens OUT OF the United States.

  5. R. Eagleman says:

    Indiana Trump has actually been involved in the private sector; real estate development can be a very high stakes and risky endeavor, and he has the scars to prove it. It seems that many of the difficult problems that recent presidents have ignored and did not even attempt to solve are welcomed by Indiana Trump. He applies the same strategy that was successful while competing with some of the most vicious sharks swimming in the New York City swamp; especially the politicians. Some folks are really turned off by his bravado, and when he retaliates swiftly against those who are trying to sabotage him and his agenda. However, this type of fighter is exactly what our country needs at this critical time. A great sailor was never made in calm seas; therefore, if our country survives this unrelenting Socialist assault, Indiana Trump may eventually be recognized as one of our greatest presidents.

  6. Can’t add much to what you and your readers have already said. Donald Trump IS worth more than a basket full of Bushes.

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